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Creating content since 1972


Height: 6’0”

Weight: 145 lbs. In 1989.

Location: Venice, CA


About Ben

Ben Weber, born 1972 in Bellingham Washington, is an American actor, writer, director and sometimes photographer.* 


His career kickstarted in the mid-90's at the Boston Comedy Club, where he rose from doorman to opener. His standup comedy act captured the attention of casting directors, and soon enough he was on a plane to Oklahoma to shoot the blockbuster "Twister." His elbow can be spotted, if you really look carefully, about 2/3 the way through.


Twister begat Sex & The City, ER, The West Wing, Kissing Jessica Stein, and many, many more film and television roles. In 2017 Ben starred as Andy Genelli in "Manhunt: Unabomber" on Discovery.


The years of television and film work paralled an active career in commercial work, which has financially supported not only his expensively-tasted wife and private-school-enrolled children, but also his directing, writing and photography projects. 


*He's also a father, husband, surfer, dog walker, homework assistant, reader, traveler, buddy, beer drinker, NBA superfan, New Yorker subscriber, and Prius driver. Quite manly, really.

2010 - present
2010 - present
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